Telegram Bot for Live IPO notifications


An Interesting open source python Project built using PyTelegramBotAPI and redis built to Track and update the user with details on current and upcoming Indian IPOs.

How It Works:

1. A Web Scraper built with bs4 scraps the source site for data on IPO listings

2. Scraper Also finds Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) Documents and other performance metrics of each listing

3. Data is Stored in a Redis DataStore in key value pairs

4. In the user end of things , the bot takes user id of new user and stores it in another hash ,the welcome messages are based on whether user is recurring or new.

5. New and current IPOs are shown when /list command is used

6.The docs of the IPO can be viewed using RHP <<comanpany name>>

link to the project: oneIPO

Acknowledgements: Aaditya Rangarajan

© 2020 — Designed & developed by Amol Derick Soans